
Next YouTube Player

By Clutch Content


This component allows you to embed YouTube videos directly into your projects. It uses lite-youtube-embed to improve performance by loading the YouTube player only when users interact with the video. The component is fully customizable, giving you control over the video’s dimensions, parameters, and styles.

How to Use

Adding the Component

  1. Drag and drop the YouTubeEmbed component onto your canvas or add it to your component tree.
  2. Configure the properties through the properties panel to adjust the video’s appearance and functionality.


You can customize the behavior and style of the YouTube embed using the following properties:

videoidRequiredThe unique YouTube video ID.
widthOptionalThe width of the video container. Defaults to auto.
heightOptionalThe height of the video container. Defaults to auto.
playlabelOptionalA visually hidden label for the play button, improving accessibility.
paramsOptionalParameters for the YouTube player (e.g., "controls=0&start=10&end=30"). Passed as a query string.
styleOptionalCustom CSS styles for the video container.

Performance Considerations

The YouTubeEmbed component is optimized using lite-youtube-embed. This means the full YouTube player only loads when the user interacts with the video, keeping your project’s initial load times fast and reducing the impact on performance.


1 Components
2 Templates
Version 1.1.10

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